"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow."
John Massingill
Post Commander - Coast Guard - Post 8545
Jeff Rebhun
Senior Vice Commander - Marines - Post 8545
Chris Corizzo
Junior Vice Commander - Army - Post 8545
Scott Hogue
Quartermaster - Army - Post 8545
Ashley Rebhun
Chaplain - Navy - Post 8545
Harry Robinson
Trustee - Navy - Post 8545
Andy Pawlowski
Trustee - Marines - Post 8545
Liam Walsh
Trustee - Navy - Post 8545
Roger Ash
Adjutant - Air Force - Post 8545
Chris Garrett
Building Manager - Army - Post 8545
John Brannis
Surgeon - Army - Post 8545
Angela Johnson
Judge Advocate - Army - Post 8545
Herschel Haynes
Service Officer - Navy - Post 8545
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